Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Start of School Reunion Party

It was a simple reunion for a group of kindergarten friends who have just started Primary One. With the first day of school still fresh in their minds, the party began with a heart-warming story of a dolphin starting a new term at school. The kids could relate with the story about having a buddy, making new friends and exploring the school. They came away learning that we should not judge people by how they look but be friends with everyone. After all, God made everyone special.

After story time, it was a crazy time of hunting for jigsaw puzzle pieces to complete a picture. The next game was quiet and intense as the kids, blindfolded, tried their best to pin the nose on the lion. After a snack break, the kids positioned themselves with their favourite inflatable animals for a group photo before getting down to decorating their own photo frame to remind them of the story they have heard earlier.

It’s amazing to see the kids work on their frames to make it so colourful. God has indeed made each of them unique. May they look back at this reunion with fond memories.

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